First impressions count – your website’s role in how people perceive your company
Human perception is a huge subject spanning many fields of science, from neurology to anthropology, and influences many aspects of our lives. Almost everything that we do in our day to day interaction with the universe and life forms within it, is in some way linked to our perceptions. Our perception is itself influenced by […]
Going beyond visitor counts – how will you define ‘website success’?
Many new website owners have a perception that their website may not be fulfilling its purpose if it’s not being found in the first few results of a Google search. This is usually when we have the ‘SEO’ talk with a client, where I explain that it’s okay if a website’s not setting the search […]
Why spend a thousand dollars or more on a custom website when it’s possible to build myself one for nothing?
Since you’re here, you’re definitely asking yourself this question… “If it’s possible to build a website for free, why the hell would I spend a thousand dollars or more on a ‘custom’ website built by a digital agency or web designer”? Short answer: It’s worth it. A great website will pay for itself. A great […]
How your website design can affect your customer’s trust
We’d love to know how many people hear of a company and then IMMEDIATELY dismiss them after visiting their website? The data available doesn’t lie, and we’re looking at 94% of people attributing site abandonment to uneasiness in the website’s design. We know that this doesn’t just come down to the website design that houses […]
Why content is the most important part of your website
The backbone of a great website is its content, and content should always inform design, but behind awesome engaging content is good strategy & planning. Strategically driven content supports your website’s goals, engages with your key audience and helps deliver the outcomes you need. If you don’t already have a grasp on the key outcomes, […]
Choosing a Domain Name
There are so many questions when you consider entering the online world of the internet, however 9 times out of 10 it generally begins with: What should my domain name be? Particularly for businesses, this is an integral part of your Promotional Strategy. If you want people to find you amongst the billions of websites […]