Going beyond visitor counts – how will you define ‘website success’?

Many new website owners have a perception that their website may not be fulfilling its purpose if it’s not being found in the first few results of a Google search. This is usually when we have the ‘SEO’ talk with a client, where I explain that it’s okay if a website’s not setting the search […]

How your website design can affect your customer’s trust

We’d love to know how many people hear of a company and then IMMEDIATELY dismiss them after visiting their website? The data available doesn’t lie, and we’re looking at 94% of people attributing site abandonment to uneasiness in the website’s design. We know that this doesn’t just come down to the website design that houses […]

Why content is the most important part of your website

The backbone of a great website is its content, and content should always inform design, but behind awesome engaging content is good strategy & planning. Strategically driven content supports your website’s goals, engages with your key audience and helps deliver the outcomes you need. If you don’t already have a grasp on the key outcomes, […]

Choosing a Domain Name

There are so many questions when you consider entering the online world of the internet, however 9 times out of 10 it generally begins with: What should my domain name be?  Particularly for businesses, this is an integral part of your Promotional Strategy. If you want people to find you amongst the billions of websites […]

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