There are so many questions when you consider entering the online world of the internet, however 9 times out of 10 it generally begins with: What should my domain name be?
Particularly for businesses, this is an integral part of your Promotional Strategy. If you want people to find you amongst the billions of websites online, it makes sense to have the most appropriate domain name so customers can easily find you, right?
But first – what is a domain name?
Simply, it’s the part straight after www. You know, the very name of your website. That said, it’s easy to think a domain name and a website are the same. While they are closely connected, they are in fact very different things.
A domain name is a vital part of your online presence and serves as your business identity. It’s where customers can reach you and thus is a vital marketing tool to promote your brand in a world that increasingly relies on the internet.
And while some ventures may be a fair way off launching, one of the first things we recommend to people considering starting their own business is to secure your domain name. Like everything, domain names are valuable – therefore you can run the risk of competitors buying your domain name before you have the chance. #Annoying
Thankfully, our team at Euso can provide digital solutions where we can help you choose a domain and manage it for you, and can also incorporate a custom Top Level Domain (TLD).
Whoa, you lost us again. Top Level Domain?
A Top Level Domain (or TLD for short) refers to the part of a domain name that comes after the final dot; for example .com, .org or .net.
Selecting a custom TLD can help separate you from your competition. For example, if you had a catering business called Tasty Food, we could build you a website using the domain, or Isn’t that cool!
Even better, you can have as many domains as you want specific to your business that you can forward to specific pages on your main domain. This includes all the ‘normal’ TLDs such as .com, and the increasingly popular .co.
Although, side note: to register a domain your business is required to be a commercial entity that carries either Australian Business Number (ABN) or Australian Company Number (ACN).
The most important thing to remember when picking a domain name is that it represents your business or brand. It should be:
- Easy to remember
- Simple and easy to spell, and
- Avoid hyphens and numbers